Sunday, 10 May 2015

2015 D2 G4 - A glorious start to Day 2

I wish I had a go pro stuck on my head as I was too tired to capture the meal at the end of day 1. We were all exhausted but glad to be in the company of so many. I really appreciated the stretching / warm down led by Hema and Vasu. There were some positions I think they copied from the wrong book :-) but very relaxing never the less.

The morning started early and the breakfast was great, we packed our backpacks with Lunch as the next check point would be many hour away. We said goodbye to the hostal at Rowardennan and started to walk up the hills along the side of the Loch.

Unfortunately this was the day we started to have some casualties. Hema was not felling well and about a mile after the start we had to call the van. We parted company, a bit sad we had to leave her but glad she was in the hands of the support team. We kept climbing and the views just got better and better.

The team were walking well through all the ups and downs, there was a very very narrow gap at one point but Biren (in the Krusiers group) had got through it so it must have been an optical illusion or he made the gap wider :-). There were many waterfalls the largest near Inveraid which also hat a small harbor and loos !

As we approached the lunch spot where all the groups would meet the path started to widen. We also realised group 5s' secret weapon. Shiv and Dipan they just don't stop talking makes the team walk faster trying to get away from them ! That is a rather large pile you have Dipan ?

After a nice lunch break near the lakes' end we started to walk along the river Falloch. Still a glorious day, with beautiful views, and although we had only just had lunch about 2 hours ago there was another welcoming checkpoint at Belnglas campsite. I was starting to enjoy the Rab (although the single malts every evening still had the edge).

The walk remained hilly but still awesome. We went through multiple terrains from the side of the river to a mountain forest and before the end of the day an open plane. There were also some very very noisy cows who were bellowing for the farmer to come and get them.

But as we approached the second checkpoint for the day, and only an hour from the end, we lost another member of the group, Rishi, who started to feel very ill, I think he sensed the stormy weather approaching. Day

The end of the day was a bit damp and dark so I kept my phone in my pocket but the pictures below are how welcoming the rest point felt at Tundrum By the Way ! We also had a great Mexican meal and you guessed a tipple of Whiskey (finished off the kilchoman).


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