Friday, 1 May 2015

2015 D1 G4 - And they are off - as yoda said do or do not there is no try

Full of oats and with tense anticipation...Ketan puts on his sun tan lotion but has forgotten his fresh feet spray...bad luck those bunking with him. By the end of day 2 we needed the sun tan lotion.

The start of the walk was similar to our regular walks around London, fairly flat and green. But after an hour or so Group 4 (aka Grumpy Old Men Two Chicks and a Boy) finally see snow and mountains..ahhhh

You might need to squint hard to see it. It is snow not clouds. The walk seemed so easy at this stage.

A bit later and we seem lost. "John why are you going the wrong way"! Where are our leaders one is supposed to be in the front the other in the back. I think the ladies need to take control.

As we continued through glorious sunshine and through some quite woods our peace and tranquility was disturbed by some builders. Group 5 (aka Fast Group) pay attention.

A few seconds later we heard a sonic boom ? No it must have just been Shiv finally lightening the load from the heavy feast the night before.

The Loch reveals herself as the fast group whiz past us. We were hoping for a bit of a tow from them but they were keen to get to the loch. 

As we got closer a large hill started to appear. You must be kidding we are not walking up that, where is the ski lift. The view from the top will be great if we can get there.

Everyman for themselves going up the hill...but it was worth the climb.

And there was a better view right from the top...we need to practice the selfies.

It was the down hill when we realised this was no walk in the park. Our joints started to moan..well in the grumpy old men. At the bottom of the hill there was the welcoming sight of a sixty van, the 2nd checkpoint for the day, with tasty snacks, tea, something called rab, we needed it ! But more importantly the warm welcome from the support crew who we would see every time we needed a lift of spirits and a hug.

The final 7 miles of day 1 were amazing with breathtaking views (or maybe we were just out of puff) although long and slow. The weather remained kind...the calm before the storm.

Our evening meal was a hearty tomato soup and pasta. And a bit later on some Kilchoman. 


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